速報APP / 社交 / Blind - Anonymous Professional Network

Blind - Anonymous Professional Network





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:995 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94103

Blind - Anonymous Professional Network(圖1)-速報App

Join Blind's anonymous community of employees from over 70,000 companies, and thousands of startups!

Blind is an anonymous social networking platform for professionals to connect with other working professionals by sharing meaningful conversations and honest feedback on a variety of different topics. Our mission is to bring TRANSPARENCY to the workplace, helping companies, employers, and employees advance.

*Interviews? Offers? Need career advice?

Elevate your career, express your thoughts, and move towards building a more transparent work culture. Benchmark your career and keep up-to-date on trending news.

*All- hands? layoffs? Promotions? walkouts? tough situations at work?

Connect with your coworkers in private 'company channels', engage in industry-specific discussions in 'lounges', or browse 'Topics' to mingle with employees from a variety of industries, including but not limited to tech, finance, e-commerce, etc.

Blind, a place where only you voices, opinions, insights matter...

Sign up and connect with other verified professionals based on interests and topics, not levels or titles.



Blind - Anonymous Professional Network(圖2)-速報App


• Safe, retaliation-free, where only your voice and opinion matters.

• We do not store any user information, and our patented infrastructure ensures strict protection of anonymity.

• Truly anonymous - no way to trace back your activity to an email address

(we can't even help you retrieve your password)


• One stop for all breaking news, insider scoop on companies, tips on interviews and negotiating salary, work visa info and MORE!

• Read and participate in trending discussions in your company and industry


• Get quality answers from verified professionals.

Blind - Anonymous Professional Network(圖3)-速報App

• Tag companies and professions to get to the answer you want

• Find out how your coworkers honestly feel about a topic

• Use Poll feature that provides Charts and graphs to help you visualize results

• 1:1 and Group Chat available to reach out directly. Ask for that referral!


At Blind, we strive to foster an anonymous community of trusted professionals. We make sure only employees of the company register onto Blind, through verification with their work email (full access) or LinkedIn account (limited access). We do not store any user information, and our patented infrastructure ensures strict protection of anonymity.

*Blind is free to use and available on both iOS and Android.

*Signing up with educational or public emails domains (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) will only grant read-only access to Topics Channels.

*Blind Website also available. https://www.teamblind.com/articles/Topics

*To continue our focus on protecting the security of our users, we have restricted rooted or jailbroken devices from accessing Blind. Please remember to download the Blind app from the official Google Play Store or iTunes App Store only.

Blind - Anonymous Professional Network(圖4)-速報App

*If you have any questions, please reach out to us at blindapp@teamblind.com.

Blind - Anonymous Professional Network(圖5)-速報App